

Illness in School
If your child is unwell whilst at school, we will contact you and make appropriate arrangements.  Please provide us with at least two contact numbers in case you are unavailable.  If, in the case of an emergency, we are unable to make contact, a member of staff would seek medical help.  In this case, we would be acting in loco parentis. 
Administering Medicines
Any medicine or creams, including prescription medicine, is only administered by the school if we have a completed medicine request form.  Please click on the link below.
Medications (in original packaging with all inserts), must be handed to the office and then collected from the office, by an adult, at the end of the school day. Children must not bring in medication and  they will not be allowed to collect the medicine. 
Please ensure that asthma inhalers and auto-injectors are in the original packaging with the original prescription label intact and that they are in date.  Asthma inhalers and auto-injectors will remain in school until the end of the academic year and sent home to be returned again in September.    
Headlice are a common problem in schools.  Please read the information leaflet below.