
School Meals

School Lunch or Packed Lunch
Our school lunches are provided by Hertfordshire Catering Limited who ensure the meals are nutritionally balanced.  The menus are rotated on a three week cycle and change twice a year.
Menus are also available to view on their website at hcl.co.uk and search for Northgate Primary School.  Meal options can be pre-ordered from home on the School Grid website.  Log on details will be sent to parents.  Orders can be made and amended on-line by parents up until 8.55am of each day.
If you forget to pre-order your child's meal, it can be made with the teacher at registration.
School meals for all children until the end of Year 2 are free of charge.  For children from Year 3 upwards, meals are payable in advance and the cost is notified in the school newsletter.
If you choose to send your child with a packed lunch, please ensure all containers and bags are clearly named and drinks are in a watertight container.  Flasks, fizzy drinks and confectionery are not allowed..  As we have children with nut allergies, please be careful not to include food containing nuts or nut products, such as peanut butter, pesto, bakewell tart or desserts which contain hazelnuts.
You can help your child's independence by ensuring items are easy to open.

FREE SCHOOL MEALS - Are you missing out?

To find out if you are eligible and apply online go to HertsDirect.org or phone on 01438 737370.

The children who attend for full days will need to make a payment of £9.00 a week to school gateway to cover the increased staffing at lunchtime.
Our dining room is quite large and considerably noisy for our younger children, therefore they will enjoy their lunch in their classroom.
If your child is taking a long time to eat their lunch or regularly eating very little, we will let you know so we can work together to encourage them.
School Milk
Milk is currently free for Nursery children and Reception children who are not yet 5 years old.  Milk is also available for children over the age of 5 and up to the end of year 6 at a subsidised cost through the 'Cool Milk' scheme.  Details of how to register for milk is in the on-line Registration Pack.

Meals for KS2 and Nursery Children

Meals for KS2 children are available at a cost of £3.35 per meal. For Nursery children the cost is £2.75.  These are ordered and paid for online through the School Grid and we ask that you keep your school meal balance in credit.  If debt is accrued and is not paid off by the end of the half-term, we will no longer be able to offer a school meal.

Snacks and Drinks

Every year group, including Foundation, must bring a named water bottle to school each day.  The children are encouraged to take their water bottles home daily to be washed and refilled.  No other drinks are permitted.

All Foundation and KS1 children are provided with a free daily portion of fruit by the Government.  If you think that your child needs an additional snack or they are in KS2, raw vegetables, fruit or cheese are acceptable.  These need to be prepared and put into a reusable, named container that can be opened by the child and taken home each night for washing.  Confectionery, crisps and chocolate snacks are not allowed and please do not send in any food containing nuts, such as almond bars.